Classical, chocolate, compassion, commitment, Chudoba.

Is this the game where you have to pick the word that doesn't fit? No, they are actually all connected through me. My name is Fenella Agathe Chudoba. I was born and raised in a family of classical musicians and teachers in Vienna, Austria. It was probably a mixture of my upbringing and the way that my facial bones are structured that made me stand out for being "classical" looking and allowed me to play roles such as various Shakespeare ladies (Ophelia, Maria, Adriana), Annemarie (Austrian TV Crime Series "Trautmann") and all kinds of mystical creatures like mermaids and fairies all with a very dramatic touch to them.

However, in spring 2014, when I was chosen for "Luca" in the original cast of "Tit for Tat" I also started exploring my comedic side more. A great joy that I find in acting is that everything we do, learn and that we are burning for in our lives, will directly flow into our performance and vice versa.

I am passionate about a lot of things. I love food. Chocolate especially. I do a lot of yoga, dance and running. I enjoy learning about different kinds of food and how nutrition effects our well being, brain chemistry etc. I believe it's important to be compassionate and caring about our surroundings. So my chocolate has to be vegan.

I draw and I'm into poetry, philosophy, cultures and languages. I believe in trusting my gut feeling, really committing to what I do and always giving my best.

I'm thankful for every opportunity to meet and collaborate with people who feel consonant.

Fenella Agathe Chudoba

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